Three Parts in One

What I have believed about health has always been interesting.  I know the importance of mental and spiritual health, and during my time of healing I focused on them with a passion.  The healing I saw in my mind and spirit was amazing, hard, and yet beautiful.  Physical health though was something I struggled with.

All throughout my marriage, I let my physical health become non-existent.  It all stemmed from my ex-husband’s first affair.  He had left to go to school for six months, and I started working out to lose weight to surprise him.  However, three months into the school, the day before my second anniversary, I found out he had an affair.  My view of physical appearance and health changed in that moment.  I had lost thirty pounds, but at that moment it wasn’t worth it.  I asked myself why I should lose weight when the person I am inside wasn’t enough for my ex to stay faithful to?  My answer was that if the inside me wasn’t worth it, then the outside me wasn’t worth it either.

Through the years he would put me down for the weight I steadily carried, and although it didn’t rise to extreme levels, I didn’t lose what I needed in order to be healthy either.

Through the mental and spiritual healing, I realized that the inside me is worth being loved, and that God has someone for me.  So now my answer has changed.  The inside me is worth it, so the outside me should reflect that.  I want to be healthy.  I want my organs to work properly.  I want my body to move and have the endurance to go where God sends me.  I also want my appearance to reflect the beauty that is inside.  My outside should never override my inside, but it should compliment it.

All three, spiritual, mental, and physical working together for my good, because God created us to function with all three.  If one is not healthy, the rest suffer and become unhealthy.  We need to incorporate all three together to fully reach our potential.

Heavenly Father,  Reveal to us today which area of health we have failed to heal and become healthy in.  If our minds need to be healthy, then help us to read Your Word and apply it to our lives.  That we would guard our thoughts, shake off any downcast in our spirits, and put our hope in You.  If our spirit man is unhealthy, then help us to press in to You like never before.  Praying, reading our Bibles, and being obedient to You.  And if our physical bodies are unhealthy, then help us to eat correctly, drink enough water, and do the physical activities needed for our body to function as it should.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Reclaim Yourself


Spiritual Perspective