God is doing a new thing. Tribes! In the coming days and years, tribes will matter greatly. We all belong to the tribe of God, His Bride. From the main tribe we also belong to smaller tribes (church, family, friends, etc.). As tribes, we are to work together, to help each other in the ministries and callings God has given us. We need each other. We are an answer to each other’s prayers.
But, instead of seeing tribes living the way they are meant to, we see individuals living offended, divided, and alone. God is bringing His Bride back in to the heart of tribe. In the years to come, the Bride will no longer look like we see churches now. Instead, we will see the church of Acts moving in unity, supporting another on, and reminding one another to keep the faith.
My core tribe has played an important role in my healing. Yet, I am still waiting for the rest of my core tribe to come into my life.
Maybe today you are realizing that you too, are waiting for your tribe. You feel alone, you are battling for the kingdom, but would love a Joshua or Caleb to come alongside you.
Take time to pray and ask God to bring you your tribe. Ask Him if there are members of your tribe around you whom you have failed to recognize. If there are, begin to be proactive in building relationships with them. Create the right atmosphere, not one found in the world where offense and selfishness reign. Begin to create unity by being in God. Have God be a part of your full day, more than a minute or two, and He will then create the atmosphere needed for your tribe to fulfill all that He has called you to.
Encourage one another, build each other up, lovingly correct one another, and see God’s Kingdom come.
Heavenly Father, we submit to You and we long to see Your Kingdom and Your Bride walking and moving the way You desire. Forgive us for when we failed to be in unity, when we lived in offense, and hurt others in the tribe (church). We repent, and today we choose to live according to Your Word and to walk in Your love. You’re love is not found in the definition of the world’s love, so we release the world’s view of love and hold on to what You say love is. If we are still missing parts of our core tribe, please bring us together. In Jesus’ name, Amen.