Time Without Barriers
Through the years, I have heard God’s voice in many different ways, and still, even now, I desperately long to hear His voice and be close to Him.
These days, time flies when I am spending time with Him; the hours swiftly go by. Yet, it’s still not enough.
The chaos of this world tries to drown out the voice of the Father, it tries to discourage you, or cause you to doubt that you heard God accurately.
For those of us who have completely taken God out of the box and allow Him to interrupt our day at any time, we begin to realize that time is very different now. Minutes, hours, days, weeks, and years pass quickly and yet slowly all at the same time, because when God speaks, time becomes meaningless, without barriers. The possibilities are limitless, and we see the world and His details in new ways.
It’s time we ignore the demonic voices and the chatter of this world, and begin to listen carefully for the voice of our Father who is desperately, and longingly, without end, speaking to us.
What is the Holy Spirit saying today? Who are we to talk to today? What steps are we supposed to take today to further the Kingdom of God?
I do not want to remain where I am at. I want my relationship with God to grow even more. I am known by God; He knows me so very intimately, the deep things and the longings of my heart. I desire to know Him just as intimately.
Today, ask God to speak to you, to make Himself known to you, and then take the time to listen for His voice. He is speaking, His details are all around us, and He is waiting for us to recognize His voice.
Heavenly Father, You are always speaking, You are always moving, and You are always revealing Yourself to us. Forgive us for ignoring You, for not listening or seeing You. Open our eyes and ears to hear and see You. Let us not remain where we are at, but draw us closer to You and out of the box we and the world put you - and even ourselves - inside. Show us where we have failed, the steps we missed, and lead us in how to make it right. Reveal to us how the steps we need to take, and draw us into a deeper, more intimate relationship with You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.